Hola! Soy muy feliz! I am VERY happy! I made the final decision to serve a mission back in December of 2012 so I moved home from college to better prepare myself. At first, many people including myself were very skeptical about me coming back home but I can honestly say that it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I have a mission call to the Paraguay, Asuncion North mission! I opened my call in April and I report on August 29th to the Argentina MTC. Which is in 16 days! I went from having 5 months to 2 weeks just like that! And how do I feel about that? Well lets see if I can explain it.
Growing up I have always had big dreams. Dreams that I have never followed because I felt too inadequate. Eight months ago I developed a dream to serve a mission and decided that this was one dream I had to follow. The process started, I received my call, my report date has gotten closer and closer and all the sudden this dream of mine is starting to become a reality! Its an emotional roller coaster. Its like six flags going on up inside myself. But none the less, im grateful for every emotion, every joy, every sorrow, every blessing and I am anxious to serve Him and His children in Paraguay! God has been good to me. He is good to everyone who lets him be. I am forever in debt to Him for all he has done and continues to do for me.